Wednesday, November 30, 2011


this Christmas i am making a lot of the gifts that we are giving.
with our tight budget this year it seems the practical thing to do.
and i am realizing, it's so much more fun to make each gift, and the satisfaction of knowing that each gift was made with love <3.
head over to calikatrina if you want some inspiration to hand make some of your gifts too!
her shortcut crochet series is awesome!! even i can do it ;)

 {cozies for candle jars and coffee mugs}

head over to calikatrina if you want some inspiration to hand make some of your gifts too!
her shortcut crochet series is awesome!! even i can do it ;)


calikatrina said...

Ah! LOVE your crochet goodies!! Handmade gifts are the sweetest to give and receive! :)

Marley Christensen said...

These are too sweet :)