Wednesday, May 23, 2012

picture heavy random post

our summer has began.
weekends spent outside with friends and family.
late nights bbqing and swimming.
and lots and lots of random picture taking. lots.

 i have finally jumped on the iphone band wagon... and how i ever survived before??? i don't know.
and the kids take a lot of video and pics of their cute faces!!

 swimming has become a weekly habit.

 playing outside til it gets dark, like at 8 p.m.

 sitting outside in the shade reading good books

 hanging out with great friends

 letting the men do all the cooking ;)

 this is what i get when i ask someone to take a picture ;)

 beautiful flowers in bloom

 this piano will be blue by the end of summer... fingers crossed (x).

 playing the crisp fresh air

 kids being kids

taking pictures of ourselves

 eating great food with friends

 watching the lakers get their boo-tays whooped :(

 a little girl who can sleep about anywhere


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