Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School!

"I wondered and I wondered
When I could go to school.
They said I wasn't old enough
According to the rule.
I waited and I waited,
I was patient as could be.
And now I'm all excited ...
It's time for school for me!"

Walking to class. Mrs. Files room A155

Waiting to go into class!

Sitting at a desk with all his supplies!

Sitting down with all his classmates!

I did it! I sent Sammy off to Kindergarten without crying! Sammy was SO excited how could I be sad? He woke up this morning and said "It's school day today, I'm so excited!" He got up, ate a nice healthy breakfast, brushed his teeth, picked out his outfit, and loaded in the car. There was no problem dropping him off, he was eager to go. I'm so proud of my little man!

Of course I had to get my little man on film while picking him up. It was so great to see his smiling, happy little face!

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