Friday, September 24, 2010

self portraits, awards, and a hat parade

this week i welcome friday like i never have before!
busy. busy. busy. is what we were.
so busy that these pics were from last week.

our life has been taken up by school, homework, chores
grocery shopping, babysitting
playdates, birthday parties

thank God we didn't do any sports this season!
the kids would have been fine
it's me that would have lost my marbles by now

last week was eventful for sammy bear.
he received a soaring spirit award once again for achievment.
(remember he was awarded the same spirit award in kinder?)
it makes us so proud that he works so hard at school
abby was allowed to take pictures of whatever she pleased :)
{she might just be a photographer ;)}
she snapped a lot. i've included a couple.

happy girl

mommy & abby feet
love a good self portrait
 sammy. dear sammy.
the day before, when i picked him up from school
this was our convo...
"How was your day?"
"good, guess what? i got a letter that said 'to the parents of sammy'"
"can i see it?"
"well, i opened it and it said that i am getting a soaring spirit award tomorrow at our assembly"
i just laughed out loud at this point.
leave it to my son to read the whole paragraph about a "surprise award"
silly little man.

silly daddy
all the first graders were required to design & make a hat of their choice.
sammy & i made a hat out of construction paper
glued googly eyes all over it
and made a sign that said "eye love hats"
pretty clever huh?
at the end of the week they got to show off all their hard work to the rest of the school
by walking around campus in a parade.
it made my heart melt when sammy passed by all the 4th & 5th grade classes
and they all shouted his name out
and....he gave the famous head nod & point...
again silly little man.
marching to his own beat, shoes untied and all

love all those creative hats!

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